Suggestions On Approaching A Co-Worker Who Appears To Have An Addiction Problem

When many people think about helping someone in their life get treatment for an addiction problem, they envision assisting a family member or friend. However, it's also possible that you may encounter a co-worker who appears to be struggling with addiction. While you could simply ignore the issue or perhaps report your suspicions to the human resources department, another approach is to talk to the person about his or her problem — and try to make the person see that treatment is the best course of action. [Read More]

Food Allergy Versus Food Sensitivity: What's The Difference?

With the rise in prevalence of food allergies and food sensitivities, there has been an increasing amount of attention paid to what causes them and how they can affect a person's health. Food sensitivities have only recently been studied by clinicians, and the amount of information available on their causes and their effects is low relative to our information on food allergies. This has caused some people to confuse food allergies and food sensitivities, the two of which affect the body in completely different ways; food sensitivity is not simply a minor food allergy, but rather is something different entirely. [Read More]

Is Surgery Necessary For A Spinal Compression Fracture?

Spinal compression fractures are common among women who are postmenopausal. The fractures is often misdiagnosed, which results in delays to treatment. However, once the fracture is properly diagnosed, there are several non-surgical options available. Here are just a few that your doctor might recommend to treat your condition.  Bed Rest  Depending on the severity of the spinal compression fracture, your doctor might order bed rest for a period of time. If the symptoms are severe, you will likely have to spend several days in bed. [Read More]

Child a Softball Pitcher with a Wrist Hurting All the Time? Some Things That Could Be Wrong

If your child is a fast-pitch pitcher in softball, this puts a lot of work on their arms, wrists, and legs. Over time, they may start to feel pain from pitching. If your child is feeling pain in their wrist, you need to determine the cause. Below are two reasons this could be happening to help you get started. Overuse When your child pitches, they use their legs to step out to give the ball speed, swing their arm around, and then release the ball with their wrist in different ways to give the ball movement. [Read More]