Hearing Loss: Tips For Better Communication For Everyone

Relationships can really suffer when a person is dealing with hearing loss. However, this doesn't have to be the case for you. While your communication may be slightly impaired due to your inability to hear 100% clearly, there are steps that you can take – as well as steps that others can take – to help improve the lines of communication to ensure that they are not damaged and that your relationships remain strong. [Read More]

Three Benefits To Pre-Planning A Funeral

Planning a funeral for your loved one can be very tough when you are trying to deal with all the emotions of their death. Unfortunately, while 66 percent of Americans would prefer to arrange their own funeral, only 25% actually get around to doing it. Procrastination can be a big reason for someone to delay planning their funeral because death may not be a priority for them right away. While planning a funeral isn't the first thing on your to-do list, it should still be something to consider and here is why: [Read More]

6 Tips For Preventing Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections can be quite unpleasant to deal with. You feel a burning sensation every time you go to the bathroom and may even experience dizziness and nausea. The good news is that making some simple lifestyle changes can help you prevent this condition. Here are six helpful tips: Don't Try to Hold It We have all been guilty of holding it when we are in a meeting or doing something else that's important. [Read More]

Crack A Tooth? Here's What To Do

Feeling a tooth crack when you bite down on something hard can send shivers down your spine. Not only is the sensation of a tooth cracking strange, but you're instantly hit with worries of what to do, how the crack will be treated, and whether you'll even get to keep the tooth. Don't just ignore your tooth crack. It won't go away on its own, and waiting will only make matters worse as decay may set in. [Read More]