Two Home Treatments For Lice That Do Not Work And Why

Lice treatment has had to keep up with the way that lice have evolved. One of the first treatments for lice used to be kerosene, but that was quite dangerous for people who lived by lamp, candle and fireplace light, to be sure. After some time, kerosene was proven ineffectual for lice and too dangerous to humans, so medical science had to catch up. Then people wanted all-natural home remedies for lice, but many of those do not work anymore, or they never really worked to begin with. [Read More]

Has Your Loved One Been Diagnosed With Cancer? 4 Simple Steps You Can Take To Be There For Them

If your loved one has recently been diagnosed with lung cancer, you might not know what to do. You might be afraid that you're not going to handle it the right way. It's important for you to know that there isn't a "right way" to handle this type of news. All you can do is handle it in a manner that works for you. It's also important for you to know that your loved one is going to need you there, now more than ever. [Read More]

FAQ about Short-Term Rehab after a Stroke

Did your parent recently suffer a serious stroke? If you are trying to figure out how to help them recover from the stroke complications now that they have been discharged from the hospital, you should know that short-term rehabilitation in a nursing facility is worth considering. Take a look at this article for the answers to common questions about undergoing short-term rehabilitation in a nursing facility for stroke complications. Will Help Be Provided for Learning Daily Tasks? [Read More]

3 Tips That Can Help If You Have Trouble Swallowing Pills

Chances are good that you have seen a family member or friend toss back a handful of medication and swallow it without a problem. However, if you have trouble swallowing pills, you should know that you are not alone. Some people are uncomfortable with swallowing something whole because they are afraid of the choking hazard, while others just haven't found a good technique yet. Regardless of why you might have trouble swallowing pills, however, you should know that you have options. [Read More]